Below, the author is observing a game with one of the volunteer scouts, Ronald de Jong. They're watching Délano, five years old and pictured above.
De Jong kept up a running commentary as we watched, becoming increasingly excited. As Délano cleverly dribbled around a bigger boy who came charging at him: “You see, they will try to physically dominate him, but he will always seek a football solution. He always has a plan.” As the concentration of other boys drifted: “He is not looking at planes in the sky; he is looking at the ball.” At halftime, as Délano conferred with his father, who was coaching his team: “You see how nicely they are talking? You can tell he comes from a good nest.” Later, after Délano weaved through three boys and blistered a shot just wide of the goal: “This is unbelievable! At this age, I’ve never seen a player like this!”
One of the points made in the article is how many fewer games the Ajax youth play compared to their American counterparts. Mention is made of maintaining a family life and having time to play. I love that family is considered a priority. I thought it was very telling that de Jong notes that the five year old comes from a "good nest."
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